The advance in technology is not the only reason why people choose to distance themselves from authentic relationships. The promotion, competition and pursuit of material happiness, the importance of fashion and external appearances, meaningless and harmful entertainment, and the growing greediness for money are all examples of a multitude of reasons why the core of humanity is suffering and why as a society we are increasingly alienated from ourselves and each other, from our own humanity itself. For countless people worldwide reality has become one where poverty has replaced generosity and giving, anxiety has replaced security and confidence, the mechanics of technology and gadgets have encroached too far upon the human heart and spirit. War, famine, disease, the majority of which are easily preventable, have been normalized continuing the suffering and furthering the disconnection of humanity on a global scale.
Let’s take a look at the inherent meaning and happiness in an opposite scenario through the following short story which focuses on the most important aspects of humanity and life:
My sister-in-law in Istanbul, Turkey, needed to find a place and asked an old woman for directions. To my sister-in-law’s amazement, she received the following response: “My daughter, I know nothing other than just the opening chapter of the Qur’an and the Surah on Sincerity. That’s all I know, I know nothing else.” What a very fortunate lady who towards the end of her life is still upright in sincerity and Godliness. This represents a type of tunnel vision path to genuine happiness and success within the immaterial realm of belief. We only need God to live our lives fully and meaningfully, nothing else will bring us the comfort, security, joy and success as will belief in God.
When we turn our focus back to the fundamental needs of our humanity, we recognize that what is most important to our happiness and success is our faith in an Absolute Creator and our eternal existence. We cannot find these things pursuing our material, carnal desires, rather we find them through understanding what true belief is all about: discovering and having the means to confirm the truths of reality. The Risale-i Nur Collection provides a clear-cut path to reach this destination.
We live in this modern time when the human population is reaching alarming numbers while many of our natural resources are diminishing, economies are faltering, societies are suffering and humanity is falling through the gaps as too many people find inadequate way to cope leading only to further harm and destruction of humanity. Belief cannot wait; we must use our given reasoning skills to seek the truth of our reality to ensure happiness and true success.
For more about the Risale-i Nur collection visit: HERE