Bonds Through Belief

These are wise words from Bediuzzaman Said Nursi from Mathnawi-i Nuriye on the power of belief to create human kinship. 

“O Friend! Belief establishes a true brotherhood, attachment, inter-connection and bonds of unity among all beings, whereas disbelief, like the frost, causes beings to appear disconnected and different from each other and makes them regard each other as strangers. That is why there is no enmity, no hatred, no alienation in the soul of a believer. He has some sort of brotherhood even with his greatest enemy. Yet in the soul of the disbeliever, there exists not only greed and enmity, but also he is sure of himself and he favors himself above others. As a consequence of this, unbelievers sometimes attain supremacy in this world. Also, an unbeliever attains complete compensation for his deeds in this world, whereas a believer suffers the consequences of his wrongdoings. 

Therefore, the world is a kind of Paradise for the disbeliever (in comparison with his Hereafter) and a hell for the believer (in proportion to his eternal happiness). Yet, it is said that even in this world a believer is a hundred times happier than a disbeliever. 

Belief transmutes man into an existence in eternity, and makes him like a treasure worthy of Heaven. Disbelief extinguishes the heart and the spirit and leaves man in darkness. For belief exhibits the sap under the bark, whereas disbelief does not distinguish the sap from the bark. IT deems the bark to be exactly the same as the sap and causes man to sink from the level of a diamond to that of plain coal.” 

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