God, or our Differences?

What do the holy scriptures teach and ask us to do? The scriptures of all the major religions ask us to treat each other friendly, ethically and kindly, and to seek the moral high ground with each other and ourselves. Is the current lack of unity amongst the believers the most friendly, ethical, kind and moral thing to do?

In today’s modern world, conflict is harming too may innocent people and different religions have falsified the holy scriptures which also harms. Thus, it is more urgent for people of all faiths to focus on our commonality of belief in God to bridge differences in order to strengthen unity, brotherhood and compassion for all. All believers want happiness, peace and friendly interactions with others which the scriptures from the majority of religions teach us. We must look in the mirror and ask ourselves if our belief in God is superficial and meaningless, or genuine and essential. If we find our belief to be weak, then we need to strengthen it. If, however, we find our belief to be strong, then we need to take responsibility to carry out the true teachings of the scriptures as has been prescribed for us all.

Believers can, if they choose, unify to become one solid force against irreligion and the destruction of multiple systems in our societies, the environment and internally within ourselves. We all must look around and end the enmity between believers because having a brother rather than a falsely perceived enemy is what benefits everything. ‘Who is right’ is not important. ‘What is right’ is all that matters. 

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